Android 15 is Released. Here's the New Features:

Let’s dive into the exciting features and changes that Android 15 brings to the table. As an Android enthusiast, you’ll appreciate these enhancements:

  1. Better Braille Support:
    • In Android 15, TalkBack now supports Braille displays using the HID standard over both USB and secure Bluetooth connections. This improvement ensures a more inclusive experience for visually impaired users.
  2. Audio Playback Handling:
    • When resource limits are reached, Android 15 invalidates previously open direct or offload audio tracks.
    • This change ensures efficient audio resource management and prevents conflicts when requesting new audio tracks.
  3. Low Light Boost for Cameras:
    • Android 15 introduces Low Light Boost, available to both Camera 2 and the night mode camera extension.
    • This feature enhances photo quality in challenging lighting conditions.
  4. In-App Camera Controls:
    • Developers now have more control over camera hardware and algorithms.
    • Expect richer in-app camera experiences on supported devices.
  5. HDR Headroom Control:
    • Android 15 lets you adjust HDR headroom using setDesiredHdrHeadroom.
    • This balance between SDR and HDR content ensures optimal viewing.
  6. Loudness Control:
    • The new LoudnessCodecController API adheres to the CTA-2075 loudness standard.
    • It helps manage audio loudness inconsistencies, providing a smoother listening experience.
  7. Virtual MIDI 2.0 Devices:
    • Android 15 extends UMP support to virtual MIDI apps.
    • Composition apps can now control synthesizer apps as virtual MIDI 2.0 devices.
  8. Efficient AV1 Software Decoding:
    • dav1d, the popular AV1 software decoder, is now available for Android devices lacking AV1 hardware decode support.
    • Expect better video playback efficiency.
  9. Wallet Role:
    • Android 15 introduces a new Wallet role, allowing tighter integration with the user’s preferred wallet app.
  10. Satellite Connectivity:
    • Android 15 extends platform support for satellite connectivity.
    • Users can send and receive messages without cell service.

These features enhance Android’s versatility, accessibility, and multimedia capabilities. As an Android enthusiast, you’ll appreciate the continued evolution of the platform!